- Topical workshops are planned for Thursday morning, Oct. 29.
- FRIB Day 1 Science (C. Deibel, organizer)
- Effective Field Theory, Structure and Reactions
- Decay and Weak Interactions
- Education, Outreach, and Diversity
- Nuclear Reaction Theory for FRIB
- Nuclear Structure
- Nuclear Astrophysics
- Frontiers in Neutron Physics (F. Wietfeldt, organizer)
- Neutron Scattering Lengths Using Neutron Interferometry
- Hadronic Parity-Violation Experiments with Cold Neutrons
- Neutron EDM Experiments
- Neutron to Antineutron Conversion and Sterile Neutrons
- Search for Short-Range Forces Using Cold and Ultracold Neutrons
- Fundamental Physics and Materials Science Enabled by Neutron Imaging
- Computational Advances in Nuclear Science (K. Launey, organizer)
- Quantum Computing for Nuclear Physics
- Projected Cooling Algorithm for Quantum Computation
- Machine Learning for Data Analysis
- Lattice QCD
- Probing Fundamental Symmetries with ab initio Calculations
- Computationally-Intensive Nuclear Models
Local Organizing Committee:
J. Blackmon (chair), C. Deibel, J. Draayer, L. Kaplan, K. Launey, S. Marley, G. Rosensteel, and F. Wietfeldt