Info for Undergraduates
- The Conference Experience for Undergrauates (CEU) provides a special opportunity for undergraduate researchers to present and highlight their work.
- Social activities for undergraduates are planned, as well as opportunities to connect with mentors and the DNP leadership.
- All students with a research project in nuclear science and are enrolled as an undergraduate student in the fall 2020 semester are encouraged to apply for admission into the CEU program.
- At this time, funding is only awarded to students who are enrolled in a US institution of higher education even if the research presented was conducted outside of the US.
- The deadline for applications to the 2020 DNP CEU program is July 31, 2020.
Local Organizing Committee:
J. Blackmon (chair), C. Deibel, J. Draayer, L. Kaplan, K. Launey, S. Marley, G. Rosensteel, and F. Wietfeldt