- (19a) New Insights into Fission
- (19b) Short-range Correlations in Nuclei
- (19c) Gamma-Particle Coincidence Studies With Radioactive Beams
- (19d) Precision Beta Decay
- (19e) Hyper Nuclear Spectroscopy
- (19f) Hadronic Weak Interactions
- (19g) Nuclear Physics in Africa
- (19h) The Next-generation Nuclear Workforce
- (19j) Invariant Mass Spectroscopy for the Study of Rare Isotopes
- (19k) A US-based Electron-Ion Collider (EIC): Physics and Detectors
- (19m) Nuclear Physics From Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory
- (19n) (α,n) Reactions for Astrophysics and Applications
- (19o) Charting the Spectrum of Excited Nucleons at Jefferson Lab
- (19p) Isotope Production at Nuclear Physics Facilities
- (19q) Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in Ultra-peripheral Collisions and with Vector-Mesons
- (19r) Novel Detector Technologies from Detectors
To Data Analysis
- (19s) National Society of Black Physicists / National Society of Hispanic Physicists : Impact in the Nuclear Sciences
- (19t) Neutrino Physics
- (19u) Nucleon Structure in the Valence Regime
- (19v) Beta Decay: Nuclear Astrophysics, Structure and Applications
Local Organizing Committee:
J. Blackmon (chair), C. Deibel, J. Draayer, L. Kaplan, K. Launey, S. Marley, G. Rosensteel, and F. Wietfeldt