
Full name:CXOGBS_J173540.6-293336
Right Ascension (J2000): 263.919430
Declination (J2000): -29.560016
Galactic Longitude: -1.678785
Galactic Latitude: 1.508128
Chandra OBSID:8704
Chandra Counts in 2ks:3
Number of Chandra Detections:1
Chandra Off-axis Angle: 3.72 arcmin
Chandra Hardness Ratio: 0.00
Chandra Hardness Ratio Error: 0.00
Positional accuracy: 1.90 arcsec (95% confidence)

Mosaic-2 Data

Data were taken 2010 June 12-18, with the Mosaic-2 camera on the Blanco 4m telescope at CTIO. All observations were 120 sec exposures in SDSS r'. The absolute calibration is based on USNO B1.0, and has an estimated zero-point uncertainty of 0.5 magnitudes. The GBS error circle is indicated in red. UCAC3 stars in the field are indicated with yellow crosses.

Reference image Variance image
Reference image Variance image


Reference image
Variance image

Maintained by Robert Hynes (rih [at]